Rice Works 學單字也能做善事?
by Jeremy BeacockThe UN's FreeRice game lets you improve your word power while helping people at the same time.
FreeRice 的線上遊戲不僅讓你增進英文字彙,同時還可以幫助別人、貢獻你的愛心呢!
by Jeremy BeacockThe UN's FreeRice game lets you improve your word power while helping people at the same time.
FreeRice 的線上遊戲不僅讓你增進英文字彙,同時還可以幫助別人、貢獻你的愛心呢!
How's your English vocabulary? How about your geography or art history?
If you'd like to test your knowledge and help people at the same time, you should try FreeRice is a simple browser game, and players are givenmultiple-choice questions across a range of subjects. What makes the site special is that it is not for profit. Instead, the money FreeRice earns from advertising banners is used to buy rice, 10 grains at a time. Every time you answer a question correctly, the site donates 10 grains of rice to the UN-sponsored World Food Program.
If you'd like to test your knowledge and help people at the same time, you should try FreeRice is a simple browser game, and players are givenmultiple-choice questions across a range of subjects. What makes the site special is that it is not for profit. Instead, the money FreeRice earns from advertising banners is used to buy rice, 10 grains at a time. Every time you answer a question correctly, the site donates 10 grains of rice to the UN-sponsored World Food Program.
你懂多少英文字彙?你的地理或藝術史的相關知識又有多少?如果想測驗自己的知識又同時幫助他人,那麼你該試試 這個網站。FreeRice 是架構於瀏覽器的簡單網頁遊戲,題目主題包羅萬象,以選擇題方式供玩家作答。這個網站的特別之處在於它並非為了營利。相反地,它把從橫幅廣告所賺的錢拿來買米,一次買 10 粒稻米。你每答對一個題目,FreeRice 就會把 10 粒米捐給聯合國所贊助的世界糧食計劃署。
Ten grains of rice may not sound like very much, but since the site opened in October 2007, donations have been on the rise. On its first day, the site generated 830 grains of rice, which isn't even a bowlful. Now, only three years later, players have earned enough points to feed more than four million people for a day. The site has proven so popular that a development team has worked on expanding the idea. September 2010 saw the release of Freerice 2.0. The new site lets you track your donations, talk to other users, and record your scores to compare with friends'. Freerice 2.0 generated 10 million grains of rice on its first day of operation. If you'd like to contribute to that total, why not check out the site? You'll be helping some of the poorest people in the world and gaining knowledge that you didn't have before.
Ten grains of rice may not sound like very much, but since the site opened in October 2007, donations have been on the rise. On its first day, the site generated 830 grains of rice, which isn't even a bowlful. Now, only three years later, players have earned enough points to feed more than four million people for a day. The site has proven so popular that a development team has worked on expanding the idea. September 2010 saw the release of Freerice 2.0. The new site lets you track your donations, talk to other users, and record your scores to compare with friends'. Freerice 2.0 generated 10 million grains of rice on its first day of operation. If you'd like to contribute to that total, why not check out the site? You'll be helping some of the poorest people in the world and gaining knowledge that you didn't have before.
10 粒米聽起來為數不多,但 FreeRice 自 2007 年 10 月成立以來,募捐所得的稻米持續增加。網站啟用的第一天,只募得了 830 粒米,連一碗的量都不到。事隔 3 年,如今玩家們每天答對的題目所換得的稻米,足以讓 4 百萬人飽食一天。網站大受歡迎,因此 FreeRice 的研發團隊進一步致力拓展這項愛心計劃。2010 年 9 月,Freerice 2.0 版本正式啟用。新的網站讓玩家可以追蹤捐贈數量、和其他玩家聊天,並記錄答對的題數來和朋友一較高下。2.0 版本啟用當天即募得一千萬粒稻米。你若想貢獻一己之力,何不上該網站瞧瞧?除了幫助世界上窮困至極的民眾,你也可以從遊戲中得到以前所不了解的知識。