
Helicopter Parents  事必躬親的直升機父母
by Nadia Chung
Hovering parents end up with kids that are not independent. 

    A woman labeled "America's Worst Mom" had to defend herself against the embarrassing nickname after she let her nine-year-old son ride on the New York City subway alone. "It was a reasonable risk," she argued. Helicopter parents would certainly disagree. Coined in 1990, the term "helicopter parenting" is used to describe overprotective parents, who are mostly middle-class baby boomers. They hover over their children and are always worried about their academic and professional success. It's not uncommon for these parents to make decisions, intervene in conflicts, and do homework for their children. Some helicopter parents even write college essays, edit resumes, and show up at job interviews with them. 
  一位婦女因為讓 9 歲的兒子獨自搭乘紐約市的地鐵而被封為『全美最糟糕的母親』,她因此得為這個難堪的封號抗辯。她辯解說:『冒這點險是合理的。』但直升機父母一定不同意這種說法。『直升機式的子女教育』一詞創於 1990 年,被用來形容過度保護孩童的父母,這些父母大多是二次戰後嬰兒潮出生的中產階級。他們總離不開子女,一直擔心他們的課業和職場成就。對這些父母來說,替小孩做決定、介入小孩的紛爭和替小孩寫功課是家常便飯。有些直升機父母甚至幫子女寫大學論文、修改履歷,以及陪他們參加工作面試。
No one really doubts the motives of these parents.
The problem is that such intentions often stem from a desire on the part of the parents to raise their own self-esteem.The excessive investmentthese parents make in their children's upbringing and achievements may end up having an adverse effect. By doing nearly everything for their children, they limit themto safe situations. This means the kids are kept from learning basic survival skills and how to cope with failure on their own. A study shows that helicopter kids tend to be more self-conscious, more vulnerable, and less open to new ideas. For them, it is hard to become self-sufficient and independent adults, which is their parents' ultimate goal.
   Experts are now offering some advice to helicopter parents. First, act as a coach, not as a rescuer. Second, encourage children to make their own decisions and help them learn to solve problems rather than take care of everything for them. Finally, give them the space and chance to learn from their mistakes. As "America's Worst Mom" argues, "The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources." Children fly higher when they are not tied to the ground.

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