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完全不浪費時間,真是太有智慧呀我! (不小心差點得意忘形起來,覺知覺知)


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The Golden Shear  紐西蘭『金剪刀』剪羊毛大賽
by Marcus Maurice

  Shearers, wool handlers, and wool pressers can be champions at the Golden Shear competition.
  From March 3 to March 5 this year, fit and well-trained sheep shearers will head to the Wairarapa district of Masterton, New Zealand to test their skills in the Golden Shears Championship. The first of its kind, this event is still looked upon as the mostprestigious sheep shearing competition in the world.   Started in 1958 by a group of farmers, this sheep shearing contest attracted participants from the northern and southern islands of New Zealand. Its popularity was undeniable, so the organizers decided they needed a bigger venue and a catchy name to draw more attention, and thus the Golden Shear was born. In 1961, the first official Golden Shear was held, and so many people came that the police had to be called in for crowd control.
  今年 3 月 3 日到 3 月 5 日,體魄強健、訓練有素的剪羊毛達人將會前往紐西蘭馬斯特頓的懷拉拉帕區,在金剪刀剪羊毛大賽中一試身手。這項賽事是所有剪羊毛比賽的先驅,至今仍被視為是世界上最富盛名的剪羊毛比賽。 這項剪羊毛比賽是一群農夫於 1958 年所發起,吸引紐西蘭北島和南島的參賽者前來。它受歡迎的程度受到公認,所以組織賽事的人決定需要一個更大的比賽地點,以及一個琅琅上口的名稱來吸引更多的目光,金剪刀剪羊毛大賽於焉誕生。1961 年首屆金剪刀剪羊毛大賽正式舉辦,由於前往的人數太多,還得請警方前來管制人群。  Like anything popular, competition sprung up, and tons of sheep shearing contests were taking place all over New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s. Companiessponsored shearers, and farmers started training and fitness regimens. This would help them have an advantage over others. In 1980, the World Shearing Championships were held for the first time, and sheep shearing had gone big time.
  就和任何受歡迎的事物一樣,競爭紛紛出現,在 1970 至 1980 年代期間,許多剪羊毛比賽在紐西蘭各地舉行。剪羊毛達人得到廠商贊助,而農夫開始進行訓練與增強體能的養生課程,好在比賽中佔優勢。1980 年世界盃剪羊毛大賽首度舉行,剪羊毛活動也就蔚為風潮。  Over the years, the rules to sheep shearing contests have been modified to fit theever-changing times. However, the one thing that has stayed the same is thatprofessional shearers desire to be champions at the most esteemed competition in the world—the Golden Shear.

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by Nadia Chung

A virtual community shares passion for customized Swiss chocolate. 
   Since Switzerland began developing a mass market for this tasty confection in the 1800s, chocolate has become highly popular and easily available in a variety of flavors almost anywhere in the world. For people eager to express their individuality , however, store-bought chocolate might seem to lack fruits, nuts, a little spice, or even gold flakes. 
打從 19 世紀,瑞士開始發展出巧克力的大眾消費市場後,這種美味甜食便大受歡迎,而且幾乎在全世界任何地方都很容易買到各種口味的巧克力。不過對於渴望展現自我風格的人來說,在商店裡買的巧克力可能就看不到水果、堅果、少許辛香料,或甚至是金箔。
 Sensing a growing
appreciation of individualized goods, Swiss-born Internet start-up veterans, Sven Beichler and Christian Philippi, decided to tap into the niche market for high-qualitycustomized products. They were specifically aiming for something that would express their "Swissness" and put their Internet savvy to good use. Since Swiss cheese, knives, and watches were not easy to produce, they decided on chocolate and createdwww.mySwissChocolate.ch. This website allows customers to tailor chocolate bars according to their own tastes, with 200 million possible combinations using premium ingredients including curry powder, rose petals, and real gold flakes. One unusual concoction had white chocolate mixed with sea salt, jelly babies, and caraway.   What the founders lacked in marketing resources, they made up for in the virtual community they created. The website is a unique online community where customers can earn points and vouchers exchangeable for real chocolate when they invite friends to join the club. "If you have enough friends, you can eat chocolate for free for the rest of your life," Beichler boasted. 

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Hotline to Help 關鍵熱線,即刻救援

  With lots of recent teen suicides1 in the US, it is hard not to wonder if something could have been done to prevent them. Where can a person turn for help if they have an emotionalcrisis or have reached the breaking point2? The answer lies in hotlines3. These are special phone numbers that people can call if they need emergency counseling4 immediately. Most are available 24 hours a day and have trained volunteers and professional counselors. 
The first crisis hotlines were created to help individuals thinking about committing suicide. An English priest named Chad Varah realized the need to reach out after he attended a funeral for a 14-year-old girl. She killed herself because she feared that she had gotten a sexuallytransmitted disease when she experienced her first period5. That had changed Varah's life, and in 1953, he founded The Samaritans6 to help those that had nowhere else to turn. The servicecaught on and spread throughout the UK, into the US, and even to Australia and Tasmania.

By the mid-1970s, suicide hotlines existed in most major cities in the US. Now, many of them have expanded their services to help people with all kinds of emotional crises. There are hotlines for runaway children, victims of domestic violence, and people dealing with gender identity issues. The good thing is that these crisis hotlines have toll-free7 numbers, which means callers can get the help they need for free.


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Fortune Telling and Soda Selling 無所不能,無所不賣的日本販賣機by Matthew Brown

Japan has been ahead of the rest of the world in vending machine technology for years.

 "They are so convenient, I wish I had one in my room," says an 18-year-old in Tokyo. She's talking about vending machines, and she's not the only one. Vending machines are hugely popular in Japan, with about one for every 50 people and 2.5 million units for drinks alone. That figure doesn't even include the ones that sell other products like cigarettes, toys, flowers, cold bananas, cooked meals, and just about anything else you can think of.
東京一名 18 歲少女說:『它們這麼方便,我真希望自己房裡也有一台。』
販賣機在日本非常普及,約每 50 人可以分配到一台,而且光是專賣飲料的販賣機就有 250 萬台。這個數據甚至不包括販售其他像是香菸、玩具、鮮花、冷凍香蕉、熟食,以及任何你想得到的物品的販賣機。

With so many variations, companies really have to be imaginative to make their vending machines stand out. Showing that they care, Coca-Cola made some that give out free drinks in case of an earthquake.
Then there is an unusual model with a microphone inside to help scientists record the sounds of rare birds in a small remote village. The newest development in vending machine technology comes from a machine at a train station in Tokyo. It has a camera and software that figures out a shopper's age and sex. With that information, the machine guesses what the shopper wants to buy almost as though it were trying to read his or her mind. For example, one shopper reported that the vending machine offered her three different choices, with one being her favorite. She also said that it would come in handy when she couldn't make a decision. According to the company that operates the machine, consumers' pictures are deleted immediately, but general information about who is buying from the machine is gathered and used by the company. However, this doesn't seem to bother customers because they are so excited about the strange new machine.  With this kind of technology, it seems anything is possible with vending machines. 
  有這麼多販賣機種類,販賣機公司勢必得發揮想像力,才能讓自家的機器脫穎而出。可口可樂公司為了表示關心大眾,特別推出一些販賣機,會在發生地震時免費供應飲料。另外還有一款內建麥克風的特別機種,幫助科學家在一座偏遠村落裡錄下稀有鳥類的叫聲。目前擁有最新科技的一款販賣機則位於東京火車站內。這台販賣機配備有攝影機和軟體,能辨別消費者的年齡和性別。利用這些資訊,機器能猜出消費者想買什麼東西,就彷彿能看出他們心裡在想什麼似的。舉例來說,一位消費者說這台販賣機提供她 3 個選購建議,其中一個恰好是她最喜歡的。她還說當自己無法決定要買什麼時,這項服務就非常好用。根據經營該販賣機的公司表示,消費者的照片會被立即刪除,但是關於是誰在這台販賣機買東西的一般性資料則會被收集起來,供該公司使用。然而,消費者對這點似乎不以為意,因為他們覺得這台新奇的機器非常有意思。有了這種科技,販賣機簡直無所不能。

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Island of the Dolls 墨西哥鬼娃之島

   How would you feel if you came across an abandoned island with thousands of ragged dolls and doll parts nailed to trees everywhere? The Island of the Dolls is a strange place started by Don Julián Santana. This man lived all by himself without electricity and many of the conveniences of modern life. Even though Santana passed away in 2001, his family maintains the island with donations from curious people wanting to take pictures of the dolls.
Many people thought Santana was a lunatic, but his family tells a different story. They say that Santana believed the island was haunted by a little girl that drowned in one of the canals nearby. He told his relatives that her spirit was restless, so he fished dolls out of the canals and local trash bins and then nailed them up on trees all around the island. It was said that he did this to protect himself from evil as well as make the spirit of the young girl happy. Starting with only one doll, Santana soon transformed the Island of the Dolls into a doll-covered shrine, not to mention a creepy tourist attraction.


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The Year of the Rabbit  兔年兔腳行大運
by Timothy Laird 

Rabbits have meant many things to many people in many countries over the years.

Rabbits do not just bring colored eggs to children. A common superstition surrounding the rabbit is that its foot can bring good luck and ward off evil. Wearing a rabbit's foot was common practice in the early days of English-speaking countries, especially for hunters or gamblers because they always relied on a bit of luck. Not any rabbit's foot would do, though. It had to be the left hind foot, and to activate the magic, they had to rub the foot several times.

      The correlation between a rabbit's foot and good fortune could possibly be derived from traditional folk magic practiced by African and Native Americans. The rabbit's foot was commonly used during their magic rituals, so by association, the totem was believed to have magical powers. Another theory was that the rabbit's foot acted as a lucky charm because the bone actually came from a witch instead of a rabbit. Witches were widely known to be powerful and could change into various animal forms, such as black cats and rabbits. 

In the Chinese zodiac, 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Like its Western counterpart, the rabbit in China and the surrounding Asian nations has quite a positive image. People born under the sign of the rabbit are usually thought to be good-natured and extremely easy to get along with. They are also considered team players and reliable in getting their tasks done on time. Despite the trouble they may cause farmers, rabbits have become symbolic of fortune while also warming people's hearts as cute pets.

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 What is something that is used for games, magic tricks, building miniature houses, and even tarot readings? Playing cards! They are part of everyday life all around the world. Did you ever stop to wonder where they came from? The first playing cardsoriginated in as early as the ninth century in the country that invented paper—China. These Chinese playing cards were called money cards since they showed coins or strings of coins.
  By the late 1300s, the Egyptian Mameluke deck of cards was introduced into Europe. This version contained 52 cards made up of four suits of 13 cards each. Just like modern-day playing cards, the suits, which were polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups, had 10 numbered cards and three face cards each. The use of playing cards was recorded in Spain, Switzerland, France, and Italy, with many adopting their own suits and styles. 
  The popularity of playing cards spread thanks to the Germans, who started printing large quantities of the once handmade product in 1418. Then with colonization7 and time, the playing cards we know today came to be the standard.

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Helicopter Parents  事必躬親的直升機父母
by Nadia Chung
Hovering parents end up with kids that are not independent. 

    A woman labeled "America's Worst Mom" had to defend herself against the embarrassing nickname after she let her nine-year-old son ride on the New York City subway alone. "It was a reasonable risk," she argued. Helicopter parents would certainly disagree. Coined in 1990, the term "helicopter parenting" is used to describe overprotective parents, who are mostly middle-class baby boomers. They hover over their children and are always worried about their academic and professional success. It's not uncommon for these parents to make decisions, intervene in conflicts, and do homework for their children. Some helicopter parents even write college essays, edit resumes, and show up at job interviews with them. 
  一位婦女因為讓 9 歲的兒子獨自搭乘紐約市的地鐵而被封為『全美最糟糕的母親』,她因此得為這個難堪的封號抗辯。她辯解說:『冒這點險是合理的。』但直升機父母一定不同意這種說法。『直升機式的子女教育』一詞創於 1990 年,被用來形容過度保護孩童的父母,這些父母大多是二次戰後嬰兒潮出生的中產階級。他們總離不開子女,一直擔心他們的課業和職場成就。對這些父母來說,替小孩做決定、介入小孩的紛爭和替小孩寫功課是家常便飯。有些直升機父母甚至幫子女寫大學論文、修改履歷,以及陪他們參加工作面試。
No one really doubts the motives of these parents.
The problem is that such intentions often stem from a desire on the part of the parents to raise their own self-esteem.The excessive investmentthese parents make in their children's upbringing and achievements may end up having an adverse effect. By doing nearly everything for their children, they limit themto safe situations. This means the kids are kept from learning basic survival skills and how to cope with failure on their own. A study shows that helicopter kids tend to be more self-conscious, more vulnerable, and less open to new ideas. For them, it is hard to become self-sufficient and independent adults, which is their parents' ultimate goal.
   Experts are now offering some advice to helicopter parents. First, act as a coach, not as a rescuer. Second, encourage children to make their own decisions and help them learn to solve problems rather than take care of everything for them. Finally, give them the space and chance to learn from their mistakes. As "America's Worst Mom" argues, "The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources." Children fly higher when they are not tied to the ground.

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The Next Global Economic Superpowers 
by Carrie Kellenburger
NORCs may be the places that will carry us into the future. 

Nowadays, it's common knowledge that every country around the world will suffer as a result of global warming. While it's impossible to predict the devastating effects, you might be surprised to learn that some countries might not be as badly affected as others.

Known as NORCs, northern rim countries have a lot to gain from a warmer climate. These include Canada, Russia, the northern US, as well as the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. By the year 2050, these countries are predicted to be the world's economic superpowers thanks to global warming. 
日漸溫暖的氣候環境對環北極國家(簡稱 NORCs)帶來了不少好處。這些國家包含加拿大、俄羅斯、美國北部以及位於斯堪地納維亞半島的丹麥、挪威、瑞典、芬蘭和冰島。由於地球暖化,到 2050 年這些國家預期會成為世界的經濟強權。
As climates change and temperatures rise, valuable natural resources such as oil, natural gas, and fresh water will be released. This will happen because the frozen tundra of the north will have begun to melt. As these resources become more readily available, more trading and shipping lanes will be opened, which facilitates these resources getting to other regions of the world quicker. In addition to an increase in natural resources, scientists believe that NORCs will be among the few countries in the world that are  likely to see an increase in crop production. All of these changes will attractmore immigrants to these countries and make the residents that are currently living there much wealthier.
  A new part of the world is emerging, and many people will be looking towards the NORCs as attractive destinations. These countries will offer hope and perhaps even a solution to global issues, such as rising populations, climate change, and the higher demand for resources. The negative impact of global warming cannot be ignored. However, the potential benefits for the future of our civilization are certainly something to look forward to. 

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Rice Works  學單字也能做善事?
by Jeremy BeacockThe UN's FreeRice game lets you improve your word power while helping people at the same time.
FreeRice 的線上遊戲不僅讓你增進英文字彙,同時還可以幫助別人、貢獻你的愛心呢!
How's your English vocabulary? How about your geography or art history?
If you'd like to test your knowledge and help people at the same time, you should try www.freerice.com. FreeRice is a simple browser game, and players are givenmultiple-choice questions across a range of subjects.
 What makes the site special is that it is not for profit. Instead, the money FreeRice earns from advertising banners is used to buy rice, 10 grains at a time. Every time you answer a question correctly, the site donates 10 grains of rice to the UN-sponsored World Food Program.
  你懂多少英文字彙?你的地理或藝術史的相關知識又有多少?如果想測驗自己的知識又同時幫助他人,那麼你該試試 www.freerice.com 這個網站。FreeRice 是架構於瀏覽器的簡單網頁遊戲,題目主題包羅萬象,以選擇題方式供玩家作答。這個網站的特別之處在於它並非為了營利。相反地,它把從橫幅廣告所賺的錢拿來買米,一次買 10 粒稻米。你每答對一個題目,FreeRice 就會把 10 粒米捐給聯合國所贊助的世界糧食計劃署。
  Ten grains of rice may not sound like very much, but since the site opened in October 2007, donations have been on the rise. On its first day, the site generated 830 grains of rice, which isn't even a bowlful. Now, only three years later, players have earned enough points to feed more than four million people for a day. The site has proven so popular that a development team has worked on expanding the idea. September 2010 saw the release of Freerice 2.0. The new site lets you track your donations, talk to other users, and record your scores to compare with friends'. Freerice 2.0 generated 10 million grains of rice on its first day of operation. If you'd like to contribute to that total, why not check out the site? You'll be helping some of the poorest people in the world and gaining knowledge that you didn't have before.  
  10 粒米聽起來為數不多,但 FreeRice 自 2007 年 10 月成立以來,募捐所得的稻米持續增加。網站啟用的第一天,只募得了 830 粒米,連一碗的量都不到。事隔 3 年,如今玩家們每天答對的題目所換得的稻米,足以讓 4 百萬人飽食一天。網站大受歡迎,因此 FreeRice 的研發團隊進一步致力拓展這項愛心計劃。2010 年 9 月,Freerice 2.0 版本正式啟用。新的網站讓玩家可以追蹤捐贈數量、和其他玩家聊天,並記錄答對的題數來和朋友一較高下。2.0 版本啟用當天即募得一千萬粒稻米。你若想貢獻一己之力,何不上該網站瞧瞧?除了幫助世界上窮困至極的民眾,你也可以從遊戲中得到以前所不了解的知識。

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I like altruism.(利他主義) and I hope I could be a selfless(無私的無我的)person.
But I can't make a living by these means. Frankly speaking, selfless devotion is impossible for me!
The term altruism was originally coined by philosopher Auguste Comte. It means selfless concern for the welfare of others. On December 15, 2009, 36-year-old Reed Sandridge did something that people who just lost their jobs usually never do. He started Year of Giving, a project dedicated to his mother, the most altruistic person he knew. Sandridge's plan was to give away US$10 to a stranger every day and then document it on his blog. He said his mother taught him that in difficult economic times, it's even more important to share with others.
  『利他主義』一詞最初是由哲學家奧古斯特‧孔德所創,代表對他人福利的無私關心。2009 年 12 月 15 號,36 歲的 Reed Sandridge 做了一件失業者通常不會做的事。他開始 Year of Giving 這項計劃,而該計劃是獻給他的母親,她是他認識的人中最無私的一位。Sandridge 的計劃是每天給一名陌生人 10 塊美金,並記錄在他的部落格上。他說他的母親教導他經濟情況越是艱困,與人分享就越為重要。

Sandridge knows that US$10 is not really going to change a person's life. However, he feels good in his heart, which is worth way more than US$10. Also, his stories have inspired others to do more to help those in need.
  Sandridge 明白 10 塊美金並不能真正改變一個人的生活。不過,此舉讓他感覺很好,而這價值遠超過 10 塊美金。此外,他的故事也啟發了其他人幫助需要幫忙的人。
Some days, giving away money in Washington, DC is easy, like when Sandridge helps out a homeless person or someone down on their luck. Other days, it's difficult because strangers think that Sandridge is crazy.  In their opinion, no one in their right mind would be giving out money to strangers.
在華盛頓特區,有些日子分送金錢相當容易,像是 Sandridge 幫助遊民或是時運不濟的人的時候。不過有些日子則很困難,因為陌生人認為 Sandridge 瘋了。他們覺得精神正常的人不會把錢分送給陌生人。
On his blog, Sandridge documents each monetary exchange and what happened that day. He keeps in contact with many of the people that have accepted his money and asks them to let him know how they spent it. Some bought cigarettes, alcohol, or groceries, while others paid it forward and gave the US$10 away themselves. Sandridge even has a section on the blog called Lend a Hand, where he lists the needs of the people he has met. From this, his readers can send him the needed items, which he will deliver accordingly.  At the end of the year, Sandridge plans to have a party and invite all thse who have been featured. His mother would surely be very proud of him. 

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